Garden journal – July 2020 part 2

In the second part of the month of July I harvested the radish seeds. They were dry and ready to harvest.

This year I had a lot of celery plants that sprouted from last year’s plants seeds everywhere in my garden. I removed around 70% of the plants to make space for the next season plants. I pulled them out with the roots and gave to some neighbors to transplant them in their gardens.

The second year tomato plant was fully infested with spider mites. I removed most of the leaves and I will remove the plant in a week or two. I want to wait for a few of the bigger tomato to be ripe.

The figs started to ripe a few weeks earlier than last year. We dried most of them and also made jam twice. Second time we added some peaches to the fig jam.

I don’t have to worry about saving some cucumbers for seeds. Every time a few hide between leaves and I discover them when is already too late to be harvested. I leave them on the vine until they are ready to collect the seeds.

Cucumbers ready to collect the seeds
Cucumbers ready to collect the seeds

Garden journal – July 2020 part 1

The cucumber plants grew too big for my initial support system. I had to do something about it because cucumbers started covering and attaching themselves to the neighboring plants.

I built a support system with the materials that I had available, not the best system but it’s doing its job. Below are some pictures.

The dragon fruit started flowering this month. Since last year I had around 40 flowers and no fruits, this year I got some advice of how to better pollinate them. As a result from the first 6 flowers I have 1 dragon fruit.

This month I harvested all my onions.

Different plants are spouting from the compost that I used for my tomatoes in pots. This time I moved 3 peppers and 1 eggplant into small pots.

We had another heat wave and I had to cover some of the plants.

July 2020 Harvest

July 2020 has been my best harvest month since I started keeping score in May of last year. I harvested almost as much as I did during the first 6 months of this year! So far this year, the garden has produced over 600lbs of fruits and vegetables.

The top 3 producers, which make up for 76% of the entire harvest for the month, are:

  1. Tomatoes
  2. Figs
  3. Eggplants

I have 2 different varieties of figs that are ripe this month, but unfortunately I don’t know their names because I inherited the trees from the previous owner.

Garden update July 27 2020

One of the papaya trees (the one on the right) stopped growing and the leaves are drying at the top of the tree.

We had 2 heat waves in July and it affected the cherry tomato, I don’t know if it was the sun or if I drowned it by watering it too much.

The zucchini didn’t produce any fruits and I had only 2 summer squashes the entire season. I also removed the forest of celery next to them and I’m not sure yet what to plant in its place.

Below are the pictures with the garden beds. The tomatoes almost finished producing fruits, the earliest since I started gardening. I’m so glad that this year I planted tomatoes at 3 different times. The second generation that I planted in pots will start to ripe soon.

In the pictures below are the plants that I grow in containers.

The second year tomato got infested with spider mites and I had to remove most of the leaves. I will probably have to remove the entire plant soon, as the spider mites are starting to spread to other plants. I am trying to spray them with neem oil once a week.

2nd year tomato
2nd year tomato

The dragon fruits started flowering this month and the flowers are so beautiful. I have to pollinate them by hand at night in order for them to produce fruits. I’m also growing a few sunflowers this year, which were planted by my daughters.

Strawberries are growing runners and I will have to re-pot them later this year.

The citrus fruits are growing nicely.

Two fig varieties started ripening this month. We harvested a lot and they are keeping me busy, I dried a lot of them and also made a lot of jam.

After dropping a lot of fruits over the last few months, the persimmon trees are still heavy with fruits.

The peaches on the second peach tree started to ripe this month.

All 3 different types of grapes are ripe.